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I’m Baaaack*

9 Nov

*And yes, it is best to read it with creepy “They’re Heeeere” sort of inflection.

I know. I’ve been gone for 10 months. But (for a while) I had a great excuse.

1. Head-on car crash (beware the left lane on Cantrell road, Little Rock folks)
2. Internal Injury
3. Fractured Spine (yeah, I’ve milked the “I broke my back this year” line, don’t worry)
4. 2 Major Surgeries
5. 35 Days in the Hospital

I don’t dare you to try to beat that one. Long story short, Ike and I were in an accident on our way to work. What followed was not fun (understatement alert) but from the ambulance ride to FINALLY coming home, I was constantly reminded of my family, friends and co-workers’ kindness and love.

And if I haven’t told you recently — thanks again for everything, I will never forget it! You helped me realize what is important and real in life, and I try to remember that everyday.

Why am I back now?

1. I missed sharing things with you!
2. Exciting things are happening (more on that in a sec)
3. You deserved more posts (right?)

No, this is not some sort of long drawn out WE’RE PREGNANT announcement. But we are getting close to one of our major goals…..drumroll…..
We’re (almost) househunting! We will either buy a house before the end of the year or next spring! If all goes according to plan, which I’ve learned to be a lot looser on these days.

So come back for (weekly-ish) updates on:

1. Our favorite houses
2. Stuff we’ve learned (you may actually need a credit card, there I said it)
3. And some random thoughts on what I’m reading and watching, favorite fall looks and any delicious recipes I find.

I hope with those tantalizing topics that you’ll be back begging for more. Have a good one! See you soon.