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Lucky 2013: Resolving to be Great

4 Jan

I hope you found the holidays relaxing, re-energizing and r…eally awesome. I had a wonderful week with the fam, and I’m ready to face another 365 days filled with who knows what.


I’ve made and shared resolutions for the past 2 years, and I’ve had some great successes. I’m most thankful that I found a church home (yay Chenal Valley Church!) and found a job (woo hoo Dillard’s copywriter!).

And failures. I still HAVEN’T learned to sew and let’s face it: I still prefer a burger sans tomato.

This year, I tried to keep the my goals tangible, realistic, specific and not too trite. I mean, of course, I want to be more positive and more kind, but that’s not something I want to limit to this list. So just assume that I have lofty goals of interpersonal perfection and these are just my more physical aspirations. Deal?

Here are my official resolutions for the year of our Lord, 2013:

 1. Write 1 blog post per week.

That’s right! I like this outlet in my life. And by 1 per week, I mean every Friday you can expect a dazzling post from yours truly. And by every Friday, I mean most Fridays. I’d say 45-50 posts this year would be a success. Keep me accountable on this! (I’m looking at you, Amber.)

 2. Workout 3 times a week.


To say the least, the great collision of February 16th, 2012 slowed my workout regimen. I mean it was a chore to eat a milk shake. But I want to get back into the swing of a more active lifestyle. With an after-work engagement almost every day (sorry, I can’t help that people like me) I need to workout in the mornings. Ugh. So that means that on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to peel myself out of my warm, comfy bed at 5:30 am and hit the elliptical or treadmill at our complex. Throw in Saturday or Sunday and we’ve got 3 days a week. Wish me luck!

3. Keep the house neater.

I’m tired of the clean the house on the weekend and it’s gross on Wednesday cycle. The answer? Maintenance. I bet with as little as 15 minutes a day I could do it. And yes, my Netflix history proves that I must have a few spare moments each evening. I even broke this one down.

Part A: Kitchen

  • Don’t leave dishes in the sink
  • Wipe off counters

Part B: Clothes

  • Put them up, the love seat doesn’t count
  • Put up clothes right when they are dry. (So tempted to say yeah right, but I can try;)

Part C: Clutter

  • If things get cluttered, put on a good record and wage a 15 minute de-cluttering rampage.

4. Use my reusable grocery bags


I got on this kick last year of buying a reusable grocery bag every time I went to the store. What have I done with them? So far, I’ve set them by my front door and NEVER used them. That ends the next time I go to the store. I hope.

5. Practice guitar 3 times a week.


Ike, aka The BEST, surprised me with a guitar for Christmas. That leaves me with no excuses. I already kind of know Whole Wide World by Wreckless Eric. So what if it only has 2 chords!

6. Write down all the books I read.


I already can’t remember what books I read this time last year. That’s not cool. I want my gold star for reading the great classics and cutting-edge best sellers. I can’t do that if I can’t remember what I read.

7. No-Watch Monday

I propose that one night a week, we say no to TV (even addicting guilty pleasures like Revenge, anyone? Just me, ok.), and focus on creative pursuits. Like blogging and reading for me, and songwriting for Ike.

8. Stay disciplined on daily Bible reading/study.

Last one, thanks for sticking with me. I want to make this a goal again because I’d say I did ok-ish on this goal in 2012. The bottom line: I could do better, and maybe by writing it down I will!

I’m resolving to be great in 2013. I’m excited to see what happens.

2012 Odds & Ends

21 Dec

I’ve got good news and bad news.

Bad news: This is my last post of 2012.

Good news: I plan to resolve to keep blogging weekly in 2013! And writing promises in a blog post is basically like tattooing it on my…heart. (Mark your calendars for my resolution post on January 4th! No really, mark them. I’ll wait until you’re done.)

Moving on! Because you’re important to me, I’ve made a quick agenda for our time together. Really, it’s just a random list of my last electronic thoughts for the year, but that whole “I care about you thing” is nice to hear, huh?

Item 1: Don’t do anything until you listen to this song by none other than my favorite (and the world’s cutest) songwriter, Ike Peters. “Christmas Time is Here” is a happy little tune that keeps on giving, buy it and all proceeds go to Heifer International.

Item 2: Be excited for some jubilant news from the Peters fam on or around January 15th. I don’t want to jinx it, so I can’t give details just yet. Here’s one hint: it’s bigger than a bread box.

Item 3: Another Ike-related tidbit (isn’t he the cutest??): check out The Coasts’ Daytrotter session here. For the die hard fans out there (mom…), 10 bonus points to the person who names the song Ike messed up the lyrics to. You can exchange your bonus points for a hug once you get 100, so the stakes are HIGH!


Item 4: I get to test my maturity skills this season. The challenge? Don’t complain ONCE while working Christmas Eve.

To ready myself for the task, Ike and I are planning an epic date night on Saturday. Thanks to our kind family and friends, we’ve got gift cards to fund a movie and Starbucks date. We may also splurge and check out Little Rock’s latest hot spot (literally – it always has over an hour wait), Local Lime. And who knows, we could finish out the night with Christmas lights seeing and snuggling. Best. Date. Ever.


Item 5: I can’t wait until Christmas!! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and I’ll see you back here in Jan 2013.

Resolving in 2012

6 Jan

Hey! I know, I know. It’s been far too long. The previous post is mocking me with its month old date and now irrelevant (dare I say tacky) Christmas title. I’m going to remedy my long silence with a quick retrospective on my successful and failed resolutions from last year and a dramatic (read: probably average) reveal of my 2012 resolutions.

"Read on!" Buster exclaimed.

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