Archive | October, 2011

The Coasts Are Making Waves

27 Oct

Hey all! I hope you are having a great day! But more importantly, I hope you appreciate my clever title. Ok, actually, if I could only hope one thing about that title, it’d be this: that you all instantly recognized The Coasts as the wonderful up-and-coming band that they are. And no, I’m totally not biased because my husband is in The Coasts. Don’t be silly.

Lets get back to the waves. I’m not talking baby pool splashes. I’m talking real ocean waves. Don’t believe me? Well then read on. I dare you.

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The Big Announcement*

21 Oct

*As in car-sized, people.

Hey there! For all who’ve been on pins and needles since my cryptic reference to a “big Peters’ family announcement” last week, you can let out a big sigh of relief. The time has finally come for the big reveal. You ready?

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Moving up in the World*

12 Oct

*Literally. One (shaky) step at a time.

If you would have come up to me a year ago and said, “Hey, you’re going to buy shoes and only shoes for your 26th b-day.” I would have thought you were crazy (especially if you are one of my non-mom readers and I don’t know you). Yet, I blog before you today to tell you that crazy prophesy actually came true.  And on top of that, my new shoes aren’t just more cutesy flats to add to my cutesy flats collection. But serious shoes! Like, 2 pairs of pumps and 1 pair of boots kind of serious. So how did I progress from my flats loving ways to new 4” heels?

I blame my delightful new job. I focus on shoe writing at Dillard’s. After several months, I felt the need to elevate the style of my feet with a wider (read: taller) selection of shoes. No longer could I use Ike and our identical heights as an excuse to stick to flat footwear. I needed to rise above and gain a more rounded of knowledge of the world of shoes first hand. Dramatic, no?

Armed with generous amounts of birthday money (thanks parents and Grandma Jean!) my co-worker (aka my shoe mentor) and I hit Dillard’s one fateful Tuesday night. And now, after my birthday festivities, I’ve worn all three pairs in public and I’m ready to share the experience.

I used Kiwi suede protector on my new shoes. So far, so good. Adorable dog has nothing to do with the spray or the post.

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Downton Abbey: 2 Thumbs Up

4 Oct

First things first, I openly admit that I enjoy period dramas or, as my dad and brother used to call them, “talking movies.” In other words, car chases or massive explosions need not apply here.  In said “talking movies,” one is forced to wait for a witty jab or a subtle slam to advance the plot. Don’t get me wrong, I love thrillers. But with my love for reading rooted in Jane Austen and the Bronte’s,  I have a soft place in my heart for entertainment that transports me to a time so unlike my own. So sue me.

And with this (rambling) full disclosure you can choose whether or not to add a grain of salt to my rave review of Downton Abbey. But just so you know, I’m not alone in my adulation. This year, Guinness World Records awarded the show “Highest critical review ratings for a TV show.” In other words, if you haven’t watched it yet, you’re missing out.  Case closed.


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